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Mohammad Jafari Sadr
Kerman Lug(
Rayan Graphic Academy
Git : industry-standard version control system for web developers
$ git init
$ git status
Add to Staging Area
$ git add filename
Show differences
$ git diff filename
Add to Repository
$ git commit
Show Log
$ git log
$ git show HEAD
Discard Changes
$ git checkout HEAD filename
Unstage Changes
$ git reset HEAD filename
Reset to commit
$ git reset SHA
Show Branches
$ git branch
Create Branch
$ git branch branch_name
Switch to Branch
$ git checkout branch_name
Merge a Branch
$ git merge branch_name
Delete a Branch
$ git branch -d branch_name
Remote is a shared Git repository that allows multiple collaborators to work on the same Git project from different locations.
Create Local Copy
$ git clone
List Remotes
$ git remote -v
Fetch remote to Local
$ git fetch
Merge Master to local
$ git merge origin/master
Push to Origin Remote
$ git push origin
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